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Use the Strongest/Largest Joints 
Available for the Job 
       - Instead of using your fingers, use your wrist; 
         instead of using your wrist, use your elbow; 
         instead of your elbow, use your shoulder.
       - Lift objects by scooping them with both hands, 
         palms up. 
       - Push heavy objects using the weight of the body, 
         rather than pulling or lifting. 
 Reduce the Effort Needed 
to do the Job
      -  Add leverage to items to reduce the force to 
         operate them 
        (faucets, door handles)
     -   Use light weight utensils, dishes
     -   Use food in smaller containers
 Plan Ahead
      -  Gather all items needed
      -  Spread heavy and light tasks throughout the day 
         and week 
 Pace Yourself and Avoid Fatigue
       - Plan your day to allow for a balance of rest and activity
       - Don�t wait until you are tired before you stop and rest
Sit When Possible 
       - Sitting eliminates considerable fatigue 
       - Use a seat in the shower, when dressing 
 Apply Work Simplification Strategies
       - Select an activity to improve, one that takes too long, 
         increases fatigue or pain
       - Determine if the activity is necessary and if you are 
         the best person to do it.
       - Break the activity down into steps
  Use Good Posture 
      - Sit and stand straight 
       - Proper body alignment balances muscles and 
          decreases stress 
 Use Good Body Mechanics
       - Push or pull, rather than lift 
       -Slide objects along the counter
       - Stand close to the object to be moved
       - Carry items close to the body, keeping your 
         back straight 
       - Avoid bending, reaching, twisting 
       - If you must lift, it should be done with your legs 
          muscles rather than your back 
 I spend a great deal of time at my computer. So I douple 
up my rest time with my computer time by sitting reclined in 
my comfy chair, the ergonomic keyboard in my lap and a 
track-ball on the chair arm. I have a U-shaped bean bag 
pillow at my head and the monitor on a stool next to my 
chair. The end result is that I can rest efficiently while 
entertaining myself on the web or writing or playing 
games. It is almost as restful for me as laying in bed. 
      -  Build up pens/pencils
      -  Flair Tip pens require less pressure to make a mark
      -  Sit at desk/table in a comfortable chair. 
      -  Writing requires a sustained grip and is not 
         recommended for long periods. 
      -  Time limit 10-15 minutes.

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